Imagine Yourself No Longer Being Held Back By Fear

Therapy for Adults in Grand Rapids, MI or Online Throughout MI and FL

Are You Exhausted?

Are you tired of being held back by fears, painful memories, and unhealthy coping skills? Maybe anxiety and past traumas have made life feel like you’re constantly in an exhausting uphill battle. If this sounds uncomfortably familiar, you're definitely not alone.

Maybe you've tried getting through it solo, hoping the negative thoughts and emotions would just magically disappear. But they keep resurfacing at unexpected times, impacting your relationships, career, life goals, balance, and overall sense of well-being. You're realizing you need professional help to break free from these vicious cycles once and for all.

Maybe you’ve had therapy previously but it was a short-lived - you tried it, but it didn't quite stick or mesh with your unique situation or needs. Now you're motivated to try again with a more personalized, evidence-backed approach that could actually move the needle forward once and for all. You want strategies and skills, not just passive talk about your past.


Solution-Focused and Evidence-Based Therapy for Lasting Change

Hi! I’m Marie, and my goal is to get you out of therapy

By getting the right tools and techniques for you to use in your daily life, you can heal faster and sustain longer. You can end up leaving therapy feeling empowered, motivated, and in control of your life and future. You no longer need to feel held back in life by your negative thinking and fears. You can instead, feel more capable and in-touch with your most authentic self.

The approaches I use are grounded in research and proven to be effective for treating PTSD, CPTSD, trauma, anxiety, substance abuse, ADHD and more. We'll work together using evidence-based methods like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT).

But let's be real, getting your shit together ain't easy. That's why I'm here to be your personal cheerleader and help you get through those mental roadblocks and negative thought patterns. No more letting fear and anxiety rule your life. We're going to work un unlearning the junk that keeps you stuck and take back control through learning new habits to replace the old. It's time to embrace your badass self and start living life to the fullest.

Break Free from FEAR and Thrive

With trauma comes fear of emotions, fault, and guilt; with anxiety comes the fear of what other people think of you as well as fear of losing control and connections; and with substance abuse comes the fear of disappointment and being unlovable, as though there is something innately wrong with you as a person.

By helping you identify the beliefs about yourself and the world that keep you stuck in fear, and the reasons you developed these beliefs in the first place, you can learn ways to change your thoughts to be more positive and realistic, resulting in fewer symptoms of anxiety, depression, social withdrawal, and FEAR. We'll replace that fear with confidence, self-love, and the ability to identify and push away any negativity holding you back.

So what are you waiting for? Let's do this! Your best life is just a few (admittedly tough) sessions away.


Trauma Therapy

Overcome the misdirected guilt and self-blame that keep you stuck, so you can finally feel calm, present and in control of your life again.

Anxiety Treatment

Stop second guessing yourself and your abilities. Overcome perfectionism and crippling need for approval from others that leads to difficulty in saying “no.”

Substance Abuse Counseling

Gain back control of your life, instead of life controlling you. Overcome guilt and shame, and understand the causes of your substance use.

Intensive Trauma Therapy

A 12-day (1-hour per day) therapy to resolve PTSD and CPTSD using Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). Learn to heal your life and beliefs about safety, trust, power/control, esteem, and intimacy that emerged from your trauma.

Therapy for Childhood Emotional Neglect

Overcome the belief that you are “not good enough” after to not being treated as a priority as a child. Finally feel your worth and live out your values in all areas of your life.

How Therapy With Me Works


Reach out

Reach out to schedule a free 15-minute consult to see if we are a good fit. I’ll answer any questions you might have to ensure you’re comfortable and know what to expect.


Join Me

Join me weekly, bi-weekly, or for an intensive, to begin working towards your goals. Together, we’ll develop the tools you need so you can finally find peace in your life.



You will take the tools you have learned in therapy, and apply them in all areas of your life. You will leave therapy feeling empowered, motivated, and in-control of your life again!